Manfred Josef Hampel
Expert in building sustainable homes and buildings
“outside the box”
For a life in abundance
Discounts for “pro bono” events
My “Magna Carta” from 1987
“With love we create special buildings for free people with joyful ease. In abundance and for the benefit of the whole.”

Facade designs
30 years of facade design and window construction close to the customer, partly with own manufacturing, have turned me into a practitioner who knows how to make my creative ideas a reality.

The golden ratio
25 years of intensive study of the measure of all things, color and shape design and proportion theory.

city.box.solar Philosophy
21 years of dealing with the holistic development of a building type that gives all the answers to the new times and also exists in real life.
University rate
75% off
Spreading knowledge at universities among youth and students,
at political events and non-commercial events,
gives me such honor that I’m compelled to waive much of my fee.
Special topics
In addition to the current challenges of reducing air and environmental pollution with sustainable solutions, there is practical knowledge of research results from field trials. Sub-topics such as widespread bee death, emergency accommodation, rehearsal space shortage, urban planning, smart cities, the digitalization of the construction industry, facade design according to the golden ratio and classic window construction are also available in the overall mix of lectures and are treated holistically and entertaining.

System and design
With the ever increasing modular construction, a deep understanding of the systematization of the design is required, which of course also depends on other factors such as the climatic area, cultural region and architectural style.

Public relations work is a duty
We have to network our knowledge so that we can master the challenges of the future. The technical solutions are much more advanced than its dissemination.

Climate technology 4.0
One of the most important issues for the future, as it has hardly been considered possible in the past. The goal is to completely abandon fossil fuels without sacrificing comfort and is already achievable today.
No nonesense
“Research results are presented simply and refreshingly. Living sustainability. Well-founded reports from practice for practice. Current topics and challenges with experienced solutions and nothing off the shelf, you always leave with more than what you arrived with.”
– A participant.
“Nothing concerns me more than becoming a reliable part of nature with my fellow human beings.”